
How to Present the Community Agreements


Community Agreements are the foundation of trust and safety in all Eat Breathe Thrive courses.

They help to create a space for healing, connection, and growth to happen. While the agreements themselves are important, they are only a starting point. The work of creating a safe and positive group environment does not lie with you as a facilitator alone; each participant's intentions and actions have an impact. This is why it’s so important to present them in an engaging way.

In this webinar, we'll explore how to present the newly revised community agreements in a way that inspires each participant and fosters a safe and positive environment in your course.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Everything you need to know about the newly revised community agreements and why they were put in place
  • Strategies to engage participants in the intention behind the commitments, beyond just a verbal agreement at the start of the course
  • How to work with your participants to co-create a safe and positive space for healing and transformation in your courses

Use password EBT-NETWORK to access the webinar recording