Marketing and Recruitment
Connection and relationship marketing is all about creating personal, human ties between you and your community partners.
Community collaborations require nurturing that cultivates an ongoing mutually beneficial connection of supporting each other's needs and ultimately benefits your mutual audiences over time.
In this webinar, we’ll explore how to use the power of connection to cultivate community relationships, leverage course resources, and connect with your community through a thoughtful marketing plan.
In this webinar, you will:
- Identify community partners and develop the confidence to cultivate collaborative relationships
- Learn strategies for leveraging the course marketing resources and best practices effectively
- Learn how to create a detailed marketing plan for your next event
Melanie Taylor
Melanie Taylor is the Director of Education for Eat Breathe Thrive. A Learning Coach, author, yoga teacher, and the founder of the Life of Wellness Institute, where she teaches trauma-informed yoga teacher training that develops embodied wisdom with unwavering compassion.
Daneen Farrall
Daneen Farrall is the Communication Specialist and facilitator for Eat Breathe Thrive. As a yoga teacher with specialized training in yoga for athletic recovery, she creates spaces and experiences for others to realize that yoga is accessible, doable, and available to anyone.